
O Acordo

The Deal

An unstoppable horde of unknown creatures is descending from the mountains into the sea, destroying everything in its path. Forests, meadows, fields and villages are all at risk, and local populations are fleeing.
In desperation, some leave everything behind, and others try to save whoever they can.  Others however, turn to ancestral spirits to solve their problems, while others take advantage of other people’s misfortunes for personal gain.
What is a parent willing to pay for their child’s safety?

Escorpião Azul, 2023


The Void

Eric has lived in the middle of a gray, empty and arid desert for so long that he doesn’t even know how he got there. What’s left of his imagination and memories returns unexpectedly, to show him there’s a wider world beyond the horizon and getting there is worth all the effort.

Escorpião Azul, 2021

Águas Altas

High Waters

What would happen to Lisbon if the water was to rise gradually and take over the city. How would it affect the population? How would the authorities react? What kind of solutions would come up?

Oficina do Cego, Lisbon 2018